4 Questions Southeast Asians Must Ask Before Building that Dream Start-up

Starting a new venture is exciting, especially here in Southeast Asia where there’s a lot more to discover, new technologies to introduce, and exceptional people who can execute. With start-up competitions here and there, it seems that there’s no other time to build your dream start-up than now. However, 95% of start-ups fail. Many budding … Read more

Startup Business Problems : Mistaking Your Way to Success

I’ve noticed that when a yoga class becomes extremely challenging, a person’s true colors start to show – there’s a lesson here for when you run into startup business problems. Yoga poses can be very difficult and require a tremendous amount of calm but focused determination. Inevitably, even the most sincere students make mistakes and … Read more

Women in Business: It’s Not About Doing it All, But Doing it Well


Today is International Women’s Day, and there are plenty of reasons to celebrate some of the great achievements made by women in business. As a female entrepreneur myself, it’s been a fantastic year, and a very steep learning curve for what was my first full year as a startup. Going from working for somebody else and … Read more

8 Funding Alternatives to Consider for Your Startup

When it comes to funding your startup, you may not know exactly where to start. While you could certainly seek out a small business loan, microloan or other program designed to get you the capital you need, there are other viable funding alternatives to get your business up and running. Should you be looking for funding, … Read more

Product management in Singapore: What startups need vs what they can afford

Since I got more involved with the product management community in Singapore, I found myself explaining over and over again to founders, startup employees, and recruiters the nature of a product manager’s job. And the more I did, the more I felt that there’s a mismatch between the perception of product management in the ecosystem … Read more

How to establish corporate governance to ensure your startup’s long-term success

Corporate governance concepts are crucial for the long-term success of a business. Listed companies (e.g. those with listed debt or equity instruments) are even required by most regulatory bodies to adopt a code of governance that complies with the minimum requirements of the listing country. This just highlights how important corporate governance is. While it sounds … Read more

Should Steve Jobs be the Model for Southeast Asian Start-up Founders?

Steve Jobs—the name strikes awe in the hearts of people and entrepreneurs the world over. Aside from being a poster boy for college dropout start-up founders, alongside that other computer company founder, Jobs was well-known as a visionary with an exacting and perfectionistic nature. “There’s admiration and adoration. Who hasn’t ever looked up to Steve … Read more

What Startups Can Learn From Casinos

You walk up to a blackjack table. The dealer greets you. You sit down. You toss your loyalty card Hollywood-style across the felt. The dealer hands you some chips and the fun begins. Soon after, someone taps you on the shoulder and brings you a complimentary beverage. Yet another person offers to make a restaurant … Read more

My Startup Failed. But Yours Doesn’t Have To. Here Are Three Lessons For Avoiding The Startup Graveyard.

When I launched my startup company in 2014, it never occurred to me that it would be anything short of a flaming success. I was an established entrepreneur with a successful consulting firm and I had a solid idea. Yet despite my best efforts, my startup failed. Now, when people approach me with their start-up … Read more